I am concerned with the Sumatran tigers that are facing extinction due to imperialism’s ravenous exploitation of the vast Third World. This is in my country and it is with less than four hundred remaining in the wild, the Sumatran tigers, like uncountable other species and sub-species, is recognized as being “critically endangered” while simultaneously being wiped through activities inherent to the current system. Unlike other animals however, the Sumatran tiger is not dying-off gracefully.
And now in my country of Indonesia only about 400 Sumatran tigers still exist in the wild on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. Only five species of tigers remain: South China, Amur or Siberian, Sumatran, Indonesia-Chinese and Bengal. Three others, the Bali, Java and Caspian tiger sub-species have gone extinct within the last 100 years, mostly due to hunting. Habitat destruction and poaching for their body parts are the main threats to wild tigers.